Title IX Game Show addresses Sexual Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Awareness

Gus asks “Name a non-physical act that can be considered harassment” in our Title IX version of the Survey Says Game Show.
Never in the history of our country has our society been so outspoken about the topic of sexual harassment and sexual violence and we have a way to discuss students rights, obligations and options in a very “non-lecture” type of a way. In face, every college in the US is mandated, by law (Title IX) , to educate students about sexual discrimination, harassment and sexual violence.
Game Shows To Go’s Title IX Game Show addresses these topics in an active way that has students actively engaged for the duration of the show. They’ll have fun – AND – they’ll learn something.
Each campus is also required to have a Title IX Coordinator who students can approach with alleged violations.
Sex, harassment, discrimination are all serious topics to discuss with college students. But they must be discussed. Many programs geared towards Title IX compliance focus on sex, sexual consent and learning about the law. Most are dry, humorless and don’t have get those in attendance actively thinking and engaging in the activities and learning.
That’s where we come in. We have written a very special show for “Survey Says” that opens discussions within a group. A question such as: “Name a reason someone could not give consent…” We have 7 answers in our surveys – but students may have 20 that they come up with… ALL ARE CORRECT… AND, we’ve gotten them actively thinking, engaging, discussing and defending their positions. Each round ends with discussion and recap of what the laws are and what is moral and ethical on top of those laws. We can think of no lecture that engages students and has them actively participating as much as our special edition of Survey Says does.
We will work to introduce your Campus Title IX Administrator, incorporate any campus specific hot buttons you may have and will tailor each and every presentation directly to your students.
Title IX Game Show is Entertaining and Informative
Your event will be entertaining, informative and fully engaging on a level that no other Title IX program can be. You’ll be pleased with the end result – or as with everything we do… you don’t have to pay us. It’s that simple.
This show is available at all production levels and is available nationwide.
Fill out a contact form today or call Game Shows To Go at 800-462-4424 ext. 1.