Exciting new Game Show Medley – a variety of game shows in one event
For years we’ve asked if we could combine shows like Survey Says and Fast Action Trivia. We’ve been asked if we had games that involved EVERYONE in the audience.
Now we can say YES. Yes we do – with the all new “Game Show Medley”
We worked for months with Game Show Medley to develop a show that had the same cohesiveness as our other shows where everything was happening within the show’s character and moved the plot forward, while being 100% intentional. This is what makes our game shows good entertainment – not just playing a game!
What we came up with is the “Game Show Medley”. We start each round with a game that everyone can play from their seats in the audience – some via their phone, tablet or computer – and some without any technology needed, then bring the top 4-12 players (depending on the round) up on stage to compete as teams in a new game. Then the winning team all gets a prize and they then compete against each other so that one of them wins a larger prize!
Game Show Medley is a great variety of fun, easy-to-understand games that help us focus on putting on a show that everyone will enjoy – even if they don’t play the game on stage. A total of 9-12 unique games are played in one 60-70 minute show and prizes are given out frequently so there are lots of winners.
What kind of games are played in the Game Show Medley?

Host, creator and producer CJ Johnson with a flash of cash he’ll give away at your show!
Examples of games where everyone plays to see who comes up on stage would be Trivia on their phones – top players come up and play, a single round of “Majority Rules” where everyone plays on their phones and other games where no tech in needed at all.
For team games we play a single round of Survey Says and a Single Round of Fast Action Trivia and a few surprises. For the elimination games we have games that involve trivia, memory and code breaking.
We’ve put our 20+ years of experience into making the show flow well, complete with the buzzers, bells, whistles, sound effects and music that make game shows exciting and fun to watch and play.
Within less than a year Game Show Medley has become our second most popular show! We knew it’d be a hit, but we didn’t see it becoming this popular!
Anyone can put together an event to play games. It takes a team of experienced professionals to produce and host an ENTERTAINING EVENT and put on a show! That’s what we specialize in here at “Game Shows To Go.” |
Pictures from UNT Dallas Event (courtesy of UNT-Dallas Marketing Communications Photography)
Game Shows To Go is not affiliated in any way with any TV game show that has been produced in the past or is currently in production. No affiliation is implied or expressed.
Praise about other shows
What our college customers are saying about our other shows
All other events are quoted with the client providing prizes.
We’ll ask you to provide a few things for this show. It leaves the big sets at home and uses readily available items from your campus. See “Technical Needs” on this page for those items. It also makes the show super affordable, especially for distant shows, as our host can fly to your show instead of driving.
- Host
- Computerized Game Play and over a dozen games.
- Wireless Connectivity so host can run show from the stage.
- Custom table covers to turn any two tables into great-looking player stands.
- Lock Out Buzzers & host podium.
- Sound Mixer
- Wireless Microphone
- Bank of game questions and challenges custom-tweaked from years of experience.
- Prize package (colleges only)
- Sound Effects
- Music
All the bells and whistles of a TV Game Show.
Includes (everything above plus more)
- Host
- Trained Technician
- Huge Set
- Lighted Host Podium
- Intelligent Lighting
- Custom Player Stands
- Music & Sound Effects
- Full Sound System (appropriate for audiences up to 500) if more are expected you should either provide sound or go with a Platinum Level Show.
- Bright, Short Throw Video Projection (allows short distance between screen and wall).
- Video Projection Screen for rear projection
- LED curtains with moving effects
- Backdrops & Curtains
Everything included in the Gold production PLUS…
- Front of Stage Truss System to suspend lighting and video projection – giving cleaner lines
- Truss based stage set
- Enhanced Intelligent Lighting
- General Lighting – an important distinction between packages
- Enhanced Sound System (when needed)
Additional Items that can be added on a per item basis but that are NOT included automatically in our published pricing:
- Live music & announcer
- Follow Spots and Operators
- Customization of questions or game play
- Live video recording and side of stage video projection (outsourced locally)
- Custom Commercials and Videos
- On-Site Producer – recommended if working on a tight schedule or high-pressure environment.

We’ll need to following to be provided for the Silver/Bronze Level (Budget) Shows.
- Video Projector & Enough Cable to reach the Podium
- Podium
- Sound System that is appropriate to the venue
- Extension Cord with Power Strip – enough to reach the podium.
- Technician who knows how to access your sound/video
- 2 – 6 foot banquet style tables. Specifically 72″ x 30″ tables that our fitted table covers fit.
We bring just about everything needed for these shows. See tech rider on the downloads page for specific details, but here’s an overview of what we’ll need:
Electrical: Our equipment can run off of regular household current. We ask that 4 outlets, on 20 amp circuits, be available for our exclusive use.
If these outlets are further than 30′ away from the performance area then extension cords should be provided.
General Stage Lighting: A general stage wash is needed for the show. The lighting we carry is for effect and general illumination should be provided by the venue. Our Platinum level shows include full stage lighting.
Sound: We provide our own sound for Gold Level Shows.
Load in/Load out assistance: We have a LOT of gear to load in. It’s all on wheels, so there’s no heavy lifting. We don’t require help, but we sure appreciate it when we get it and it puts our crew in a great mood for your show!
All of the above plus we strongly recommend a spider box or a direct power input as we will be drawing a lot of power. This is only for the platinum level shows as the lighting package and sound package is much more robust and intense.
You’ll know exactly what your price is before we contract. No Surprises.
We’re all about being easy to work with.
There is no cost for this as long as we have at least 2 weeks’ notice. Rushes may incur a $50 charge – so please check in advance if you need any special wording.

Bronze and Silver level shows take about 2 hours to set up. Really it’s about 45-60 minutes, the extra time is just in case we run into any technical issues while using the venue sound/lights.
Take about 3-3 1/2 hours to set up and about 60-90 minutes to tear down and load out.
Please take this into account when scheduling your facilities.
Shorter set up times (within reason) can be accomplished by us bringing in extra crew at an extra cost. Please inquire if you will need us to do this.
Take about 4-4 1/2 hours to set up and about 75-100 minutes to tear down and load out.
Please take this into account when scheduling your facilities.
Shorter set up times (within reason) can be accomplished by us bringing in extra crew at an extra cost. Please inquire if you will need us to do this.
These set up times assume easy access to the rooms, a loading dock and NO STAIRS. If we will need extra time to load in please let us know in advance.
It will largely depend on the audience and the people playing the game. Some players take less time than others.
A stage or platform that is 16′ deep x 24′ wide (preferably 28′ or wider)
If a stage is not available we can work on floor level – just add about 4 feet to these dimensions.
Near the stage/performance area should be a place for two 6 foot banquet tables (we’ll bring these) for our technician to set up.
This space should be indoors, or if outdoors this should be pre-approved by our staff and it should be a covered area. Outdoor shows are not recommended for daytime events as even our very bright projectors get washed out in full sunlight. Any outdoor show will result in an altered set and will need to be in a covered and fully protected area from wind and rain.
We also need 10 feet above the stage for our full set – though we can make the set shorter if we need to. Again… just let us know in advance so we are prepared.
In order to avoid raising our prices by up to 5% for everyone, our contracts will always contain this wording:
SPECIAL NOTE: The agreed upon fee is the amount that should be paid to Game Shows To Go AFTER ANY FEES, STATE TAXES (income, performer or otherwise), Special Licensing Fees required by your state or other municipality or organization. There is no way for us to keep up with all 50 states and thousands of states and cities. The amount of the check written to Game Shows to go, after deductions should be (amount quoted for show). If the gross needs to be adjusted please do so to ensure the proper payment amount. Thanks for your understanding.
This seems to be the best way to keep our prices low and only pass along these costs to the states/people who charge them. Our fees usually include travel/lodging/prizes/promotional materials and many other expenses and that are not income.
Ways we can work around this are:
- Add the amount expected to be deducted for these fees/taxes to the amount your check is requested for.
- Subtract the amount of fees/taxes from the prize money we give at the show (if we are providing prizes).
- Add a clause that says expenses of “up to <the amount of taxes/fees> will be billed after the show” and we’ll bill you for that exact amount.
We give HUGE discounts to schools who work with us to create routes. Using Coop buying really helps everyone to win.
You can also get discounts by scheduling more than one show during the school year.
Other than that, we have a published price list with competitive pricing that we stand by. We don’t give an inflated price just to give you a false discount. We quote a great market price and stick to it. We hope you’ll appreciate us being up front about this, it seems to be the most ethical way to do business.
Show Logos
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Logos are here for CLIENT USE ONLY. These images were created in-house and are copyrighted by To Go Events, Inc.